Friday, February 4, 2011

Missions Conference at Millar College of the Bible in Saskatchewan, Canada!

I (Bob) recently had the opportunity to travel to the prairies of Canada to represent CAM in a missions conference at Millar College of the Bible in Pambrun, Saskatchewan. My relatives (Dennis and Sharon Kirsch) have worked at this Bible school over the past decade. Over the past 6 years they have visited and ministered with us in Mexico. Now it was MY turn to visit them and see where God has been using them in recent years! What a joy for me to be on "their turf" and see the ministry of this school that has been cranking out pastors, missionaries, and other full-time Christian workers since the early 1900's.

You could tell that missions was a high priority for this school with 150 students from all over Canada. Great speakers, excellent dramas, informative seminars, panel discussions, an international dinner, a marketplace with foods from around the world, and other creative activities were planned to promote the Great Commission.

I enjoyed the opportunity to participate in a panel discussion with mission personnel from other agencies concerning how "Joyful Perseverance in Serving the Lord". The Kirsches and I also manned our display table with info about CAM and our ministry in Mexico. We enjoyed the chance to talk with students and other reps about how God is using CAM International throughout the Spanish-speaking world. Now I'm back home here Indiana where we're at for our home assignment. It was -13 with the wind chill this AM here in Warsaw! That's colder than it was in Canda while I was there! Nonetheless it's GREAT to be home. This weekend we travel to Clinton, Iowa where we have the opportunity to share in a church about our ministry. Hopefully we'll have good weather!