Sunday, March 21, 2010

Check out our pictures from recent events!!

Here's the link for our pictures. Check them out!

Missions Conference at New Life Bible Church

Today we held a special missions service at the church we attend. This ended a pretty hectic weekend but we were thrilled at how God worked. The same Uruguayan couple, Augusto and Valeria, shared their plans to go to Uruguay as missionaries with FAMEX. Their presentation was very well-done and people seemed to greatly enjoy getting to know them! Perhaps our church will be able to support them in the future....we'll see how God provides. Then we invited Samuel Castro, former national director here in Mexico for Operation Mobilization, to preach and encourage our folks to actively participate in the Great Commission. He is a very motivational speaker and did a great job instilling passion for missions among our congregation. Please pray with us that God will continue to work in the hearts of the people at the New Life Bible Church in the area of missions. Perhaps some of our own youth will be sent out in the coming years! As a church we already support some missionaries in the Muslim world. May God continue to kindle the passion for missions among the Mexican churches!

Marriage Dinner at New Birth Bible Church

This past weekend was pretty jam-packed with things starting off on Friday night with a marriage dinner that Sharla and I put together. We were grateful for a good turn-out with around 15 couples in attendance. A young Uruguay couple from Puebla, Augusto and Valeria Aniano, made the 3-hour trip to be with us for the weekend. They are incredible musicians! It was a real treat to have them sing some nice romantic music for us. Then Hector Villanueva, a church leader from a nearby Bible church here in Queretaro, shared about the difference in the way men and women commmunicate. He did a great job interjecting humor while addressing this important topic of marriage communication. The evening was topp-off with a great meal of tamales and atole! For those of you who don't know what atole're just missing out! It's hard to beat a dinner of tamales and atole. You'll just have to visit us here in Mexico sometime to find out what we're talking about!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wedding in the Huasteca

What a day we had going to the Huasteca for the wedding. We left from Pachuca around 9 AM and traveled to this remote region arriving there around 1:30 PM. The wedding was to start around 3:30 PM. Things eventually started around 4 PM. I was able to play the piano during the wedding (everything from the prelude, to processional, to accompanying the songs during the wedding, and then the recessional and postlude).

Things got really interesting when it started to rain right in the middle of the wedding ceremony. I'm under a canopy giving a sermon while it's pouring down rain. While I'm under the canopy, everyone else is running for cover....and we're talking a LOT of people. It was quite the sight to watch. Although I had a 20-30 minute sermon prepared on marriage, I only got through about 5 minutes. Honestly, no one was listening! Everyone was figuring how to stay dry (we're talking hundreds of people!). I cut everything short, figuring that we just needed to get this couple (Adolfo and Olga) married. Well, they did get married that afternoon, thank the Lord!

Now they embark on a lifelong journey together as husband and wife. Adolfo and Olga will continue to minister in this very need region of Mexico. Pray that God will protect them and encourage them in the midst of a rather hostile environment. Evangelicals continue to be persecuted in this region. They really do need your prayers!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This weekend we'll be heading to the "Huasteca" region in the state of Hidalgo. It's about 7 hours from where we live here in Queretaro. Perhaps some of you remember mission trips that I've organized to the Huasteca in recent years. Adolfo, a faithful servant for Christ in this needy area of Mexico, will be getting married to Olga (pictured above). I thank the Lord for how God has provided a wife for him. We have the privilege of participating in the wedding ceremony through music and preaching. AND something called "padrinos" of the "arras"....too complicated to explain here! Anyway, please pray for a safe trip for us and that God would use us while we're there. Also pray for Adolfo as he starts a new life as a married man!